Ways Google Ads Can Impact SEO
When you invest your time and money in the SEO (Search Engine Optimization), then one of the worst case scenarios is to rank on the number one for the keyword that will generate little to no sales. For a minute, just suppose you have invested so much of time, money and resources to rank for the number one on the search engines for the relevant keywords only to find out that the traffic does not convert into sales. And this will be difficult to accept. Due to this reason keyword research is so important for the SEO.
You should always optimize your website for the right keywords or else all of the efforts might get wasted.
But on the other hand, even with the best keyword research, there are still some risks that your chosen keyword might not convert well for you. So, in this case, Google AdWord search campaign can be very much helpful for you. With the help of AdWords, you can launch a search campaign and within some days or weeks, you will be able to determine which keywords are worth targeting for your SEO.
Many of the advertisers nowadays use Google AdWords (Google Ads) as their major PPC network, but in addition, it can also be used for SEO. So, here are some of the ways through which Google AdWords can impact SEO.
- For keyword research:-
- One of the most valuable uses of AdWords for SEO is to research keywords.
- Keywords are considered as the basis of any SEO campaign and even if you are an expert in your niche, you should always research simple keywords because users usually search for the unexpected keywords and key phrases and you as an expert will never think of it.
- In order to find out what users are basically searching for, you need a keyword search tool.
- It is obviously true that there are many special keyword research tools which you can use and some of them are free or paid, but you can also use Google AdWords Keyword Tool which is light years ahead of them all.
- To ensure that the keywords which you have picked worked well:-
- After you have picked up your keywords, the next step which you have to implement is to verify your keywords that are they really working for you or not which means that if they are converting properly or not.
- No matter how much accurate you have been when picking up your keywords, if you do not test them in practice, you will not be able to know for sure if they are working well or not.
- So, choose your keywords carefully and you should ensure that the selected keywords are working well for you.
- For getting a better Click Through Rate (CTR) with your existing rankings:-
- In addition to the keywords, AdWords is being considered as a valuable tool for getting better CTR (Click Through Rate) with your existing rankings.
- In some situations, there is a possibility that you might rank well for a given keyword, get a lot of traffic, but you are still unable to monetize this traffic because of your CTR at it is low. For this, there could be many reasons but the main reason for this is inadequate/improper title and description could be very much possible reason for this.
- Thus, AdWords can also help you get better CTR with your existing rankings.
So, AdWords is a really valuable tool but not only for the advertisers but also for the businesses. It started as a tool for advertisers but its use is not restricted to them only. For many of the publishers and SEO experts, AdWords is the most valuable tool because even a moderate AdWords campaign can give you valuable insight and save you a lot of time and money to optimize for the keywords, which do not work for you.